perm filename JOSHI.1[NOT,DBL] blob sn#198229 filedate 1976-01-26 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
.LTR(Professor A. Joshi)
Computer Science Department
Moore School of Electrical Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pa. 19104

Dear Professor Joshi,

I'm a fourth-year grad student in Stanford's CS department. 
For my dissertation,
I've been working on a program which can develop
simple mathematical concepts, which aims at
expertise in theorem %2proposing%* rather than theorem %2proving%*.
It uses
skills from %2automatic programming%* to tackle a %2theory
formation%* task. An abstract of the project is enclosed.

My committee consists of Ed Feigenbaum, Cordell Green,
Bruce Buchanan, and Don Knuth. They have suggested that I
write you, since I expect to receive my Ph.D. by next Fall. I am interested
in a faculty position for next year, and would welcome the opportunity to
discuss the matter with you. 
I attended Penn from 1968 to 1972, and received my B.A. in Math and Physics,
and an M.S. in Applied Mathematics. The courses I took in your department
motivated me to do graduate work in Artificial Intelligence rather than
continuing on in Math or Physics.
The influences of John Carr III and of Regina Bajcsy were particularly strong.

I could visit Penn sometime this Winter,
perhaps in February or early March, to discuss a position for next Fall.
If there is some interest, I would be happy
to give a colloquium on my dissertation research.